Friday, October 9, 2015

New Blog Design

Hm.. I haven't done designing in a while but I'm pretty happy with what I did with my work. Of course I don't do html designs but ya gotta manage by what you know how to do! xD I personally use pixlr to do my graphics and find pictures often involing like: tumblr border designs, tumblr backgrounds, tumblr black & white, or like tumblr transparent images. So yeah I pretty much just use tumblr a lot as a key word cause tumblr has some really nice pictures.

I kinda noticed I may of put too much pink, but I guess it does match my background! Anyways I will probably put up a review of Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead soon! ^^ And by the way have you guys heard of those book adaptions to tv shows? I have and I'm pretty excited to watch them. Especially the one for Cassandra Clare's book The Mortal Instruments, which I hope will come out not cliche and with a good plot line. I'm also hoping it won't be a mess like the movie, I mean I liked the actors but the movie just didn't stay true to the book that much. Though I do think that the tv show has better casting than the movie. 

Until then, Cindy :)


  1. Love your new design! I don't think you overdid the pink. It looks really good! Yes, I've heard of the book to adaptation of The Mortal Instruments! Did you see the teaser trailer that came out yesterday? It looks pretty neat! :D
    ~Erika @ Books, Stars, Writing. And Everything In Between.

    1. Thank you so much! ^^ & Yes, I have seen the trailer and it looks like its coming out pretty well!!

  2. Awesome new design! I really like the cloudy background!! it’s so pwetty!

    And Yes! I can’t wait until the series starts!! (At least this time, Simon actually does turn into a vamp :) )

    1. Thanks Caroline! & I know right, so I really hope ABC family will make TMI as successful as their other shows!

  3. I really like the new design! Pink's one of my favourite colours, so I don't think you've overdone it at all. You've done a really great job :)

    ~Denise @ The Bibliolater

    1. Thanks so much, I guess the pink and purple do match together nicely. :)

  4. I love your design! It looks so cute! Not too much link at all! I'm personally nervous about TMI TV show... I don't want them to mess it up like they did with the movie...

    Carrie @The Book Goddess
