Friday, July 10, 2015

Darn Immortality! :[ :(

This is a book character that made be tear up at the thought of their death. She was so memorable, she definitely would of been one of the best friends we would ever experience. :|

By Natalie Rabbit
Published November 1, 1985

I never thought I would read a book like this but I did it for a summer reading assignment years ago and though I haven't thought of it in a while I still feel sad about the death of Winnie. She could've lived forever with Tuck but she chose not to. She chose what another person would've or mightn't not chosen if they were in her position.. she chose not to live forever even if it was offered to her by one of the best boys ever that had loved her so much that he would even offer this, and one that she would never forget, Tuck. I really felt the loss at the end of the book. I felt so bad for Tuck, Tuck the sweet boy, the caring one, the honest one, the one who had to live forever.. and to have his heart broken while experiencing the past when he saw her grave stone. Those memories that he and Winnie had, I bet where always their with him even after he moved away, even when he wanted to see her but couldn't. He, the one who had to live forever will be the one who will watch the ones he loved and cherished fade away. One could forget what love after living forever but Winnie had given him that experience to feel what love was. I wish the book could've had a different ending but ultimately I wouldn't change a thing, the whole plot of this book was perfect and its what makes the book so amazing. *Claps, sadly while screaming bravo, bravo*


A book characters death is so sad, but the sad reality is that we will get over it all one day. Though it may take a while cause of all the feels. :'( 
 I was actually gonna post more characters but for some reason I can't think of any characters right now x_x... I haven't exactly read any books with a character dying in them in a while so I guess in a way I'm avoiding those sad feels.So anyways what are some book character deaths you guys were really sad about?

Well until next time, Cindy :)


  1. I read this book in elementary school, and I never got over Winnie's death. Back then, I didn't really understand why she did it, but now I do...and uggggh, how my heart weeps. T__T
    Loving the casual Magnus Bane quote xD

    ~Erika @ Books, Stars, Writing. And Everything In Between.

    1. Yeah I feel ya, i didn't understand either but you know we learn the reasons why when we get older, and thanks xD

  2. I just read this book recently for the first time. It definitely was sad, but death is a part of life, and I can understand why Winnie made the choice she did. The Tuck family's immortality was kind of its curse, and she might not have been ready to accept that for herself.

    So many books I've read lately don't actually have deaths. It's like the author is afraid to go there. However, I remember, years ago, reading a book called The Shadow in the North by Philip Pullman, and there was a death of a major character. I kept turning back the pages, thinking, "I must not have read that right. The author didn't just kill off that character, did he?" I still remember that character death, so many years later, because it was so shocking and I hadn't realized that authors could do that. Now I know that authors can do whatever they like with their characters!

    1. Yeah I really felt bad for tuck, because of his immortality that bounds him live forever he couldn't be with the girl he had loved and given his heart to. :'( & I'll make sure to check that book out! ;)

  3. That book sounds so beautiful! <3 It was only when I read about Magnus Bane that I realised all the different aspects of immortality and it opened me eyes so I might look into Tuck Everlasting. Far too often do characters die which is always hard to get over, however they're also in my favourites books usually which says something in itself :')

    Most recent post on Enchanted by YA:

    1. Yeah Magnus even though he doesn't show it, I bet he hurts on the inside and even though it was a long time ago he will never forget The London Institute!!!! :'( & Thank you for commenting! :)
